“The Kids Are Watching”
This debut series entitled “The Kids Are Watching,” is a visual ode to the summer of 2020. In addition to a raging global pandemic, 2020 was also the year that George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was brutally murdered in an event that shook the world and reignited a global movement for justice. As protests filled streets across the nation, I found myself reflecting not only on the collective outcry but on the quiet, observant eyes of children like my daughter, who were witnessing these historic moments unfold.
At the heart of this series is a photograph of my daughter standing in front of an iconic image, taken by Robert Houston, displayed at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum in Baltimore, MD. The stop sign bearing the words "STOP HATE" serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight against injustice, systemic racism, and inequality. In this moment of quiet observation, her silhouette represents the weight of history that the next generation carries and their role in reimagining a more compassionate future.
“The Kids Are Watching” is a tribute to the children growing up in a world shaped by both struggle and hope. It captures images from a crucial moment in history and tells a brief story of their silent yet profound understanding of the complexities they inherit, reminding us that they are not passive spectators but thoughtful witnesses and future architects of change. This series invites viewers to reflect on the stories we pass down and the legacies we create as we move toward a more just and empathetic world.